About Radever

Radever teleradiology was founded in 2010 by radiologist Dr. Ashutosh Pawale and Dr.Jayashree Patil. It provides teleradiology services (i.e. CT, MRI, X-ray) to over 50 hospitals and imaging centers in 6 Indian states including Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kerala, West Bengal, Uttarakhand, And 3 Hospitals in Africa, 1 in Columbia. Radever has reported scans for over 800 000 patients thus far.

Radever Is Now Pictured With A.I.M.: Our Unique Value Proposition

Annotation and Image Marking (AIM) is a unique service provided by radever. This is something unheard of in the field of teleradiology. The image interpretation process is undergoing change we are a part of that. Image annotation can be defined as the explanatory or descriptive information regarding the meaning of an image that is generated by a human observer. Some observations are measurements, while some may be arrows or circles displayed on the image. The output of this image interpretation process is the radiology report along with a set of marked-up images as shown below.

Advantages of A.I.M.:

  • It is definitely a better way of communication of diagnosis where you have the text report and annotated, marked images side by side. Gives a better and instant understanding about the disease and adds visual explanation to the text interpretation of the radiologist which otherwise remains in the eye of the beholder.
  • It creates documented evidence for measurements.
  • It helps in better understanding the Spatial location of the lesion instantly.
  • important in the management of disease changes, mainly in cancer follow-ups. 4. It is critical in image-based clinical trials.

Call us now at +91 9844814864 or visit our website for more information.

We are a teleradiology service provider company based at Bangalore. We as a team are committed to provide detailed reports at really affordable price for MRI, CT, and conventional radiology (X-ray) with essential turnaround time. We have vast experience as a rural and urban Teleradiology healthcare provider.

Dr.Ashutosh Pawale is active at every level of Radever Teleradiology, assuring that quality patient care is paramount. He has over a decade of experience in the field of Teleradiology and has specialized as a nighthawk and emergency radiologist since 2005.

Our reports focus on acute care decisions allowing more optimal patient care at various (more than 25) hospitals and imaging centers currently spanning Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerla, Uttarakhand.However, the value we bring to your hospital or diagnostic centers is much more.

Radever also partners with your hospital to capture exams that referring physicians are sending elsewhere through our regular phone calls to your clinicians (unique instant SMS service for your referring clinicians)

Radever understands the needs and limitations of a small diagnostic setup. Our goal is to ensure that rural and community hospitals are able to provide the same high standard of radiology care as is available in big/urban hospitals.

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