An approximately 8 x 6.6 x 6.2 cm large complex cystic, heterogeneously enhancing mass lesion involving the pancreatic head, uncinate process with surrounding mesenteric fat stranding demonstrating markedly dilated CBD and main pancreatic duct traversing through the mass lesion upto the periampullary region associated with dilated MPD branches – of concern for extensive branch duct intraductal papillary mucinous tumour (branch duct IPMN).
Marked dilatation of CBD, CHD, bilateral IHBR and main pancreatic duct (double duct sign).
Markedly distended gall bladder with dilated cystic duct.
The mass is partially encasing the anterior and inferior and portal vein , PV-SV confluence The medial wall of the lesion is abutting the distal celiac artery, SMA without invasion. Anterior wall of the mass is indenting the posterior wall of distal left gastric artery . Posterior wall of the mass is impinging on the anterior wall of infrahepatic IVC causing extrinsic compression of IVC
A few enlarged periapancretic lymphnodes.