Linear mildly displaced fractures involving bilateral iliac bones communicating with bilateral SI joints. Fractures involving bilateral superior, inferior pubic rami.
A linearly oriented hepatic laceration involving the liver parenchyma along the course of middle hepatic vein, traversing up to the periportal region, involving the caudate lobe as well ( grade III AAST) . A low-grade middle hepatic vein injury cannot be ruled out. No evidence of subcapsular hematoma.
Mild to moderate amount of free fluid in abdomen and pelvis (10-25 HU). No evidence of pneumoperitoneum
Features suggestive of intraperitoneal urinary bladder rupture with with a demonstrable bladder wall tear at left superolateral aspect of bladder wall (bladder dome) .
Marked pelvic retroperitoneal hemorrhage localized to the paravesical, bilateral lateral pelvic spaces and presacral region compressing the urinary bladder.
Mild flattening of intrahepatic IVC is noted, likely related to hypovolemia