Pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula

pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula

Chronic calcific pancreatitis with dilated main pancreatic duct measuring 0.7 cm in diameter.
A thin walled non-enhancing elongated pseudocyst measuring about 8.8 x 5 cm involving the pancreatic head, uncinate process extending into the adjoining main portal vein, right and left intrahepatic portal vein branches as well as superior mesenteric vein causing distention of the portal vein – represents pancreatic pseudocyst-portal vein fistula
Bunch of abnormal tortuous collateral vessels surrounding the CBD, CHD and the gallbladder.
The CBD, CHD are compressed with evidence of mild central IHBR dilatation.
Mild splenomegaly
Recommend clinical correlation, S. amylase, lipase levels, LFT correlation, follow up.