‘supratentorial ependymoma’ versus pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (WHO grade I to 2*). .

An approximately 6 x 7.6 x 5.2 cm large complex cystic mass lesion in right occipital, posterior parietal lobe demonstrating an eccentric anterior cystic component which is hyperintense on T1, T2 sequences and vividly enhancing posterior solid component which is broad based along the Falx with perilesional vasogenic oedema – *represents neoplasm, likely a ‘supratentorial ependymoma’ versus pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (WHO grade I to 2*). .

Extrinsic compression of right lateral and third ventricle due to mass effect with 0.6 cm midline shift to the left.

Mild obstructive hydrocephalus