Focal perforated sigmoid colon diverticulitis ( july week3)

Multiple tiny recto sigmoid colon diverticuli

A large intramural diverticulum (3.3 x 2.8 cm) involving the medial wall of sigmoid colon protruding into surrounding mesocolon with thin defect / perforation involving underlying anteromedial wall of sigmoid colon with extensive surrounding mesenteric fat stranding – represents Focal perforated sigmoid colon diverticulitis

Tiny pneumoperitoneum in lower abdomen and pelvis with small free fluid in pelvis

Mild long segment mural thickening of recto sigmoid colon , caecum as well as lower abdominal and pelvic ileal loops with surrounding mesenteric fat stranding – possibility of underlying inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease cannot be ruled out

Small hiatal hernia .

A tiny right renal non obstructing calculus