An approximately 5 x 4.8 x 4.7 cm multiloculated complex cystic heterogeneously enhancing mass lesion involving the pancreatic neck with partial exophytic component slightly indenting the posterior wall of gastric antrum without invasion – represents pancreatic neoplasm
The posterior margin of the mass is in contact with common hepatic artery over an approximate length of 3.3 cm with slightly obscured fat planes as described above
Focal nodular thickening at medial wall of D1 segment of duodenum, measuring 2.8 x 1.5 cm demonstrating mild to moderate homogeneous enhancement without transmural infiltration – ? neoplastic
Normal main pancreatic duct. No evidence of surrounding invasion. No significant lymphadenopathy
Features of concern for multiple endocrine neoplasia (*MEN)
Other findings as described above